Top 5 best movies of 2020
(1) THE OLD GUARD This Is a movie about a group of immortals who are wanted by a crazy scientists who wants to use them for experiments, if you are a fan of action movies you will love this movie, rating GOLD. 2) CROODS 2 One of the most anticipated animated movies 2020 is croods 2 we all remember croods. Well this is a much better movie because they met a new family who has as much or even more problems. If you want drama, action, comedy and more this is the movie for you, rating GOLD. 3) FREE GUY This is a futuristic movie with plenty of comedy and action if you remember Lego well this is very alike only better every a normal guy living a ordinary life turn into a badass. Unfortunately it hasn't been realesed therefore we can not rate it. 4) SOUL This is one of my best movie of the year 2020, this movie is a movie centerd around a black man with a dream who ends up dying before he could fulfill his dream of becoming a pianist for h...